A New Year, A Changing You…

We are well into the New Year. Perhaps some of you have made New Years resolutions that you are following through on. Maybe some of you are reflecting on how this year might be different for you. I can bet we are all dealing with changes of some sort.

I don’t particularly like change. I like things to be stable and constant. However, I have realized that everything changes over time, our relationships, our environments, our careers, our minds and bodies.

Embracing change and actually seeking out opportunities for change and growth keep us vibrant and healthy. We need change and challenges to keep us learning and growing.

We don’t want so much change that our lives become chaotic and unmanageable but small changes that move us toward a richer, rewarding life are what makes us feel alive.

Notice the title of this blog. I did not say “A New Year, A New You.” To me that implies I don’t like the old me, or the way I am now. It sounds like an overhaul of who I am.

Instead I want to seek out ways to make small, sweet changes that enhance my relationships, my health, my environment. I love when I discover something new and shift my thinking and way of being in this world. I never want to be so set in my ways that I am not open to new ideas and possibilities.

What changes will you make for yourself this year? What growth do you want to experience? Whatever it is let us know. We want to cheer you on and support you as you take on new challenges and grow!


I See The Light


Making Space